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  • Writer's pictureDon Heyneke

Rediscover to Reconnect


To rediscover is to find something that has been lost or forgotten. To reimagine is to relive a moment. To reconnect is to feel alive.

This video, produced by Escape Safari Co., is a safari journal that allows you to rediscover, reimagine and reconnect with your love for the natural world. We want you to rediscover a place, a moment in time or a feeling you once felt. There has never been a more important time to rediscover, reimagine or reconnect with the moments that we long to experience.

Africa is a place of uninterrupted, authentic, unadulterated beauty; rich with culture and vibrant diversity. Africa is a place of origin, we all have an instinctual connection that is ignited as soon as our feet touch her soil. We have seen, through our own experiences and through watching our guests as they are guided through Africa, how profound moments with nature foster a true and vital understanding of our place in the world.

Being on safari makes us fully present, it calms our restless bodies and minds. It engages our senses, captivates us and makes us feel alive. Escaping the challenges of life in the city, disconnecting with technology and social media is where freedom is found. Africa, safari and travel, allow us to be free again.

We are in constant pursuit of authentic wilderness, we absorb every sight, smell, sound and feeling. A true wilderness experience fosters beautiful human qualities, humility, respect, love and happiness. Our sense of identity expands and, by extension, so does our compassion for all living things. It provides us with an understanding that we are part of something far greater than ourselves, this is one of nature’s greatest gifts.

When we are immersed and absorbed in the natural world, we are learning from what nature has to offer, nature is the teacher. These are the moments that make you feel alive, they are not easily forgotten.

Come Escape with us.

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